Travis for City Council

Introduction to Travis Mitchell

My Job as Maple Grove Council Member, I will appoint the best available personnel and support its 250 current members. I have experience creating professional interpersonal relationships supporting the same organizational size in my past career. I have skills to support the following departments: Information Technology, Community & Economic Development, Finance, HR, Police and Fire. There will be challenges in fully understanding Administration, Pubic Works and Engineering, Building Inspection, and Assessing. However, I am up to the challenge as a life learner. I would be valuable to the Transit and Planning commission. The job requires me to test new ordinances against Minnesota Law. Finally, I will use my Master in Business Administration degree to adopt a budget in Maple Grove's best interests. Beyond that, I will support local businesses and active Maple Grove citizens.

Rational Choice Agenda

I care about the Environment
I care for the Poor
I care for the Disenfrancised
I care for the Exploited
I care for the Downtrodden
I care for Peace
I care about Education
Freedom brings opportunity.
Dependance brings servitude.

Tax Strategy

Taxation is theft
No new Taxes
Reveiw Current Taxes
Increase Violation Fines
Entrepreneur Loan Program
Sell Naming Rights
Attract Professional Sports

Hiring Practices

Establish Critical Duties
Interview Internal Candidates First
Refine Talent Pool
Bias-Free policy
Use Technology for Skills
Offer Flexibility

Public perception is one of the hardest things to understand about public service. You can be the best possible person with many different contributions when you are a candidate. But, you will always be compared to the person you are running against. Each person that becomes a candidate can represent your interests. This thought process is flawed; you must understand how that person thinks. Maple Grove has candidates that are active in the community. Some serve our justice systems. We have masters of the economy. All the other candidates have yet to plan how they think.

I analyze each topic using the Rational Choice Agenda. The Environment is not only the sky, trees, and lakes; its food, shelter, and water. The poor are people that have trouble obtaining resources on their own. The disenfranchised have somehow lost freedom. The exploited checks for fair play or selfishness. The downtrodden are treated poorly by elected officials and government authorities. Peace is non-negotiable. Education enables a person to search for their chosen freedom. Never create a dependent situation.

LWV - Maple Grove City Council Forum 9-13-22 answers

Question: Are there any environmental challenges Maple Grove should be addressing?
The city needs more solar panels and batteries. Xcel Energy has been very active in the community. However, the city should use its buying power to reduce the costs for homes interested. Geothermal, Passive Solar Water and Wind have a place in neighborhoods, especially for our winters.

Question: What change in Maple Grove should be the #1 priority?
We are a wealthy community. We create a massive pool of cash to do extraordinary things. Making sure people understand where their money goes is essential. Few people will agree or be satisfied with the resource allocations, but knowing is essential. Creating a mobile app to connect citizens, the council, and their respective interests will help us build. We have the technology to serve people better.

Question: Do you support or oppose high-density housing?
The property purchase and what they choose to build is up to the private owner. Market demand should be the ultimate driver of home growth. The city should be careful with corporations, real estate owners, and builders looking for tax breaks. When a city creates incentivized housing projects, there is a definite return on investment. I prefer partnering with banks to offer affordable Mortgages.

Question: Do you support the contract with 279 to provide school resource officers?
Our schools need police officers on site, which is a failure of our culture and policy. There is no place for students that decrease safety. Since it is acceptable to create an unsafe environment for our children, we need a person with a gun and authority. I would ask the unsafe parents to find another school and work towards establishing alternate education.

Question: What do you see as the city's role in assisting small businesses, women, and minority Maple Grove Businesses?
Good companies are everywhere. Cash is not. When you want to start a business, you go without income for nearly a year. Maple Grove should offer loans for Micro Loans, Advisor Express, Gap Financing, and Commercial. Real estate Acquisition Financing through MCCDmn.

Question: What is your option or opinion on Local Options for Sales Tax?
LOST is a tax, and I do define it as theft. All Taxes are theft, so the money must be spent well. The Ballot is asking for 50 or 100 million with no choice but to say no. To me, that is disenfranchising voters. The design is to shift the taxes from residents to people who spend money. The only logical choice is to help the poor and reduce the property tax burden. Regrettably, LOST is the best worst decision - I will be voting Yes.

Question: Where do you stand on keeping Planned Parenthood open and properly funded in Maple Grove?
This question is a forum failure, and anyone saying yes needs help understanding Maple Grove. Our State Constitution protects a woman's Right to an abortion. My stance is mine, and I hope we find perfect birth control to end the need for a woman to make complex personal choices.

Question: Do you support a Ward System?
One Maple Grove. Four people and a Mayor are enough. A raise is in order. The campaign cost is well into five digits, and council members are part-time. The city could attract more talent and support council members with competitive full-time pay.

Question: What can Maple Grove do to empower individual residents to improve water quality?
Bees, Pollinator Gardens, Rain Collection, and Uban Farming ordinances are missing. Grass laws prevent gardens; bees are deadly to a small group of people. Informing people how to store and label gray water safely.

Question: How will the council support the MGCO?
The same way I would support any organization. The non-profit Maple Grove Community Organization brings the community together. I work with anyone that works hard to make it work.

Website Designed and Maintained by Travis Mitchell (self)

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